Analog mixed-signal circuit simulation (AMS) is a technique for analyzing circuits in an integrated environment for analog/mixed-signal behavior.

Innovative Circuit Simulation and Analysis.

Analog mixed-signal circuit simulation (AMS) is a technique for analyzing circuits in an integrated environment for analog/mixed-signal behavior, supporting advanced modeling techniques based on SPICE and HDL.

This technology takes SPICE-based circuit analysis to the next level by utilizing the latest industry developments in PCB modeling and simulation.

It helps speed circuit development, simplifies verification, and allows designers to create maps that meet specific requirements. With a wide range of standard time and frequency domain analyses, along with extensive model libraries, you can thoroughly investigate performance sensitivities, analyze statistical behavior and manufacturability, identify worst-case scenarios, and calculate component stresses using advanced design analyses.

Furthermore, you can even build virtual prototypes of your board designs and subject them to rigorous testing, while ensuring compatibility with the end system.

Download this fact sheet and learn more about Xpedition AMS.