Win an ADP2230 each day at Embedded World!
WHERE: NürnbergMesse in Nuremberg, Germany, Booth 4-309
WHEN: April 9-11
MORE INFO: Embedded World
This year, Digilent will be showcasing new hardware and software that make engineering easier at Embedded World. Come see the brand new ADP2230 mixed signal oscilloscope powered by the versatile WaveForms software, and our upcoming cloud-based datalogging software, EveryMeasure, in action.
This demo showcases the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP2230), the newest entry in our Analog Discovery Pro line of mixed-signal oscilloscopes. In front you can see an ADP2230 hooked up in a loopback configuration, with the analog output providing a signal to the analog input. The Wavegen and Scope instruments are open on screen and are fully interactable – play around with it and try the software out for yourself!
Streamlining Fault Analysis: Simplifying Large HVAC Data Sets with EveryMeasure Drive

This demo contains a data set with 864,000 data points sampled from a commercial HVAC unit during the winter of 2020. During this time period, the unit experienced a compressor failure fault while attempting to heat the space it served. Traditionally, analyzing a fault in such a large data set would be very cumbersome and time-intensive, requiring the writing of custom code in a Jupyter notebook to downsample and visualize. EveryMeasure Drive makes this process easy by converting the data into a time series database file called a ‘Stream.’ When a file has been converted to a Stream, time-intensive tasks for processing data like downsampling can be done with the push of a button.
Testing an Eclypse Z7-based SDR System with the ADP2230
The demo involves generating a signal with the Analog Discovery Pro 2230 and then feeding it to the Transmitter Eclypse. Subsequently, the signal undergoes digitization by the Eclypse Z7, followed by wireless transmission to another Eclypse Z7 utilizing the designed Software Defined Radio (SDR). Upon receiving the digitized signal, the Eclypse Z7 deciphers the digital stream and forwards it to the Audio Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) PMOD which is also connected to one of the oscilloscope inputs of the ADP2230. Additionally, the ADP2230 will be utilized to illustrate a minor sampling anomaly encountered with the receiver, providing a valid example of how the ADP2230 can be used for debugging.